The best answer to – “Where do you see yourself in 3 to 5 years?”

This is a frequently asked question in many an interview.

And the answer is mostly given with respect to the position or designation one desires to achieve in this said period of time.

When a start-up entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience was asked this by his friend, though, Anay have an answer that touched the heart.

“I work as a one-man-army today.
Two recruits will come onboard in the coming week.
Ten more should join in the next one year.
With a good rate of growth & investments coming out way, we should be a team of 25 to 30 in the next 2 years.
And then double that to 50 employees in 3-5 years.

But in those years, I still see myself where I am right now.
At Karma Workspaces.

They have a flexible desk for my needs today.
I will get it upgraded to a cabin with attached team box, by the year-end, to facilitate the seating for my growing team, with the next team-box being taken in the year after that.
And then, I intend to take up half a floor of their space to be the roaring business that start-ups aspire to be.

My favourite coffee.
A lush ambiance.
Fully furnished ergonomic seating.
A premium lounge to sit in with my staff.
A meeting room to brainstorm with the team.
A conference room to seal the deal with clients.
And an enviable location on SBR, Ahmedabad.

Karma has it all!
And intend to keep the luxury of this coworking space for my business & my team in the years to come…” replied Anay smilingly.

“That sounds awesome! I ought to book my tour of the space, right now!” his friend replied with a laugh.

And the rest is history.

Do you see yourself in Anay?
Does his growth story sound like it ought to be yours too?
Then what are you waiting for?
Join Karma Workspaces, today!
Contact us on or call us on +91 9925137495.